Monday, May 16, 2011

Back in the day...

I’ve been listening to some Ken Kesey lately. Pretty interesting stuff. Ironically I just listened to Danger Angel on BurnCast, the similarity is um, interesting. Certainly I believe you can find these types of connections quite easily from generation to generation. What am I talking about? Well my perception is that each generational ‘group’ thinks the way they ‘did’ it was better, cooler, more organic. You hear it on Ragbrai all the time. People say, “well you know it used to be (more fun, less cops, crazier..)” Heck I’ve even said it. But I am beginning to think it is just DIFFERENT.  You can do Woodstock, Burning Man and Ragbrai year after year after year….it will never be ‘like the 1st time’ ‘or the way it used to be’.  Why? Because it NOT that time. Things change……

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