Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Talk Derby to me....or just lie.

So I been busy, eh, well that is my excuse anyway. Sort of I have. Working two jobs really sucks up ALL of my time, then by the weekend it’s either run, run, run or do nothing at all.

The Kentucky Derby was a different kind of fun this year. Sarah and I drove down, it was a quick 9 hour drive and the second time we have driven to central Kentucky. We got within a few miles of her aunts house and stop for drinks. Then we promptly got lost trying to find the house!

Her sister Renae met us there. Love Renae but she could use a drink or twelve. Sarah’s aunt Mary was so sweet, she fed us, drove us back and forth and took us behind the scenes to the barns. Those horses are amazingly beautiful creatures! The people that work with them are some super dedicated individuals.

Then in the infield I was really glad to introduce Sarah and family to my friends and their best spot eva!  They didn’t think you would be able to see anything from the infield; well you just have to be in the right spot!

I can’t not mention the ‘drama’.  Since last year the ‘kitten’ was blowing up my phone about the Derby, I decided to return the favor. So for like two weeks

I texted (when we leaving, so excited, hat is ready…blah, blah) all to no response.

Finally I, text :um it’s just a trip, and you owe me(our old joke), nevermind.

That did it he replied:
-we’re not going,
- my bus was vandalized
- he thinks I’m not going to do anything fb
- just want to meet with sheriff and small claims

Um….what? So I, being nice now text:
-what is fb
-what happened
-sorry to hear about bus, but was told you were going

Then he replies:
-just stop it

Again, um, what? The man has totally lost it. So whatever…..that is until guess who is at the Derby….in the bus! Yeppers. When I walked up he immediately darts to the bus! What up liar?! Not only are you there but your vandalized bus looks fine to me. So…..pathetic, when I see him in the infield, he turned heel and went the other direction. Really?

On a good note got to see Steve and meet his friend (who was tanked on Mint Juleps). I like being around Steve he has calming effect on me, he is also not bad on the eyes….so yeah me!!

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